Comprehensive protection for foreign au pairs in Germany and Europe

Purchase online now

During a stay in Germany, the insurance policy covers acute medical treatment of newly occurred illnesses and unpredictable treatment of pre-existing medical conditions.

The au pair insurance policy AU-PAIR24 provides the au pair with liability insurance as a private person and within his au pair activities.

All AU-PAIR24 products cover bodily injuries caused by the au pair to you, your children, any other person living in your household or to any third party up to the respective maximum amount.

Product page (German)

Your advantages with AU-PAIR24

Meets all requirements

Was developed specifically for host families

Comprehensive protection

Can be purchased quickly and easily online

How much do I have to pay for the policy?

People up to 29 years can choose from three different types of policy:

M (Medium) L (Large) Z (Supplement)*
€ 39 per month € 44 per month € 9 per month

*without health insurance

Purchase online
in only 5 minutes

You can purchase the au pair insurance policy AU-PAIR24 quickly and easily online.
You will immediately receive your insurance certificate.

Consumer information

AU-PAIR24 Product information (German)
AU-PAIR24 Consumer information (German)

For detailed information (German)

For foreign au pairs in Austria: 

Change contracts, submit invoices or other questions?

Use our online forms and FAQ.

Or give us a call:

T.: +49 2247 9194-983
