DR-WALTER Trip Cancellation

Insurance for worldwide travel

Purchase online now

DR-WALTER Trip Cancellation covers both trip cancellation and curtailment of travel and provides coverage from the moment of booking until return.

It is particularly low-priced for younger travelers. DR-WALTER Trip Cancellation is suitable for all people up to 69 years of age residing in Germany. The reason for travel does not matter. Trip Cancellation protects stays abroad as:

  • Vacationer
  • Exchange student
  • High school participant
  • Au pair
  • Volunteer
  • Work-and-travel participant
  • Trainee
  • Language and exchange student
  • Doctoral student
  • Sabbatical
  • Long-term traveler

Product page (German)

Your advantages from Trip Cancellation

For trips up to 24 months

Particularly low-priced for people up to 29 years

Up to €20,000 travel price

With curtailment of travel insurance

Without deductible

How much do I have to pay for the policy?

The insurance costs one time from €20.

Purchase online

DR-WALTER Trip Cancellation can be completed quickly and easily online. Our secure booking website navigates you through the booking process easily and in just a few minutes. There are numerous payment methods available to you (e.g. SEPA, Paypal, credit cards, etc.) and you will receive an insurance confirmation by e-mail directly afterwards.
