Business Survey 2023: Germany has a lack of au pairs


The demand for flexible childcare in Germany has risen sharply since Covid. Au pairs would be an ideal support for this. But the shortage of personnel is also making itself felt in the au pair sector: Agencies and host families complain about a lack of au pairs. Visa applications are rejected, cooperation with established sending countries no longer works. Au pairs leave their host families prematurely because they are headhunted. But not only the incoming sector is struggling with difficulties, as the annual survey study of the au pair insurer DR-WALTER reveals.

Struggle for au pairs
Many au-pair agencies are complaining about a glaring shortage of suitable au-pairs. They are desperately looking for applicants and are already talking about a "struggle for au pairs". During the time in the host families, some au-pairs are recruited for a voluntary social year or an apprenticeship. So they get a longer-term residence permit and decide to break off their au pair year before the end. They are then severely missed by the families.

Number of au pair agencies continues to fall
There are only 112 au pair agencies operating on the German market, compared to 196 in 2016. The fact that fewer and fewer au pairs are being placed through professional agencies threatens the quality of au pairing in the long term. The more the placement and support takes place in the private sector and not via a strong base of au pair agencies, the more difficult it is to influence political decisions. In addition, au pairs and host families have no contact person in emergencies.

Au-pairs from changing countries
In 2022, 14,000 au pairs came to Germany. Although this represents growth compared to the previous year, it does not reach the level of the pre-Covid period. What makes the work of au pair agencies more difficult is the changing visa policy of the German government. Proven partnerships with Ukraine, Russia, Turkmenistan, Nepal, Cameroon and Zimbabwe, among others, have been made more difficult for various reasons. Most recently, Colombia, Indonesia and Kyrgyzstan were among the top three sending countries for au pairs. More recent sending countries included India, Turkey, Uganda, Philippines and Thailand.

Shortage of English-speaking au pair destinations
As the importance of English continues to grow, the demand for English-speaking countries is particularly high. Unfortunately, young Germans do not find the corresponding offer of host families. Many destinations where the knowledge of the popular language could be improved are currently causing problems. In Norway, Australia, Ireland and Great Britain, the au pair program is only possible with restrictions or not at all.

Comprehensive data source
As one of few sources on au pair placement in Germany, the survey "Au pairs in Germany and worldwide" provides comprehensive data. It is based on the results of a representative survey among 50 au pair agencies as well as interviews with au pair experts. The business survey is carried out annually by insurance expert DR-WALTER and published by Calypso Verlag.

For a free download of the full survey conducted by DR-WALTER, go to this link.
(German language only)

The infographics for download page 1, page 2

