Health Insurance for Foreign Students: Comprehensive Cover Consisting of Incoming and National Health Insurance


DR-WALTER Travel Insurance developed a new health insurance solution for foreign students. This solution consists of a combination of incoming and national health insurance. With the help of the Online Consulting Tool by X-patrio, students can conclude the complete health insurance cover they need for their time in Germany online before entering Germany.

Finding the right health insurance in Germany as a foreign student is not quite easy without knowing all the German and European requirements and laws. This is why DR-WALTER developed the GERMAN STUDENT INSURANCE. With this insurance students from abroad will get comprehensive health insurance protection which is tailored to their needs and valid for the complete duration of their stay in Germany: Students can conclude incoming or national health insurance – or a combination of both.

Fulfills all visa requirements
Students from non-European countries need health insurance for their visa application. With the new insurance solution by DR-WALTER students have the confirmation of German health insurance they need for their visa because GERMAN STUDENT INSURANCE is officially approved by all authorities.  

Can be concluded without German bank account
Usually a German bank account and a German address are prerequisites for concluding health insurance. With GERMAN STUDENT INSURANCE future students can conclude incoming health insurance in their home country, without a German bank account and residential address.
Online Consulting Tool
Students just need to enter a few details about themselves and their planned studies in Germany, and the Online Consulting Tool will automatically offer the most suitable insurance combination:
All foreign students who are enrolled at a German university have to conclude national health insurance. This applies from the first day of their studies. Students who arrive in Germany before the official beginning of their studies need incoming health insurance for this period.

Incoming insurance before the beginning of the studies    
Students from abroad often arrive just a few days before the beginning of their studies, therefore they do not need long-term incoming health insurance. With the incoming health insurance EDUCARE24 S by DR-WALTER students only pay €1.10 per day before the beginning of their studies in Germany. The premiums are calculated on a daily basis.

National insurance during the studies
With GERMAN STUDENT INSURANCE students have perfect insurance during their studies by Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). TK is the provider of national health insurance with the largest number of insured persons in Germany. TK health insurance also fulfills all visa requirements. Students from abroad pay the national premium for students which amounts to approximately €90 per month.

Direct billing with doctors and hospitals
With the insurance solution GERMAN STUDENT INSURANCE doctors and hospitals can settle the bill directly with the insurance providers. Students do not have to take care of the payment of their treatment expenses themselves.

In addition: blocked account for students
In addition to health insurance students from non-European countries usually need a blocked account. With a German blocked account students can prove their ability to support themselves during their stay in Germany. The account will be blocked until the student arrives in Germany. Once the student has access to the account, a restriction applies: There is a limitation on the amount that can be withdrawn or transferred per month. Usually this limitation amounts to €720 per month.

As is the case with GERMAN STUDENT INSURANCE the experts from DR-WALTER developed the ideal online solution in cooperation with the IT specialists from X-patrio: GERMAN BLOCKED ACCOUNT. With this solution students can easily open a German blocked account and receive the official confirmation, which is needed for submission to the authorities, within a very short time.
