Head office of Dr. Walter GmbH

MDT Tourism Brokers and Travel Insurance Broker Dr. Walter start cooperation


In the future, both insurance brokers will combine their special skills in the area of tourism and travel insurance. The major focus of the cooperation between these two experts will be on the exchange of services and know-how. While MDT provides particular cover for tour operators and travel agents, Dr. Walter offers insurance solutions for au pairs, employees abroad and foreign visitors in Germany.

The managing directors of both companies agreed on the cooperation on a meeting last week in the Dreieich. "We are happy to provide our customers with even better services in the future, thanks to this cooperation”, said MDT Managing Director Helmut Deininger. “If two experts share their know-how about travel and tourism insurance, it will be for the benefit of the entire industry", said a pleased Reinhard Bellinghausen, Managing Director of Dr. Walter.
