Reinhard Bellinghausen, Managing Director of Dr. Walter and Ashraf Wali, Chairman of IASIS.

New cooperation: Dr. Walter becomes a partner of IASIS


Insurance expert Dr. Walter has been accepted as a new European partner of the International Association for Student Insurance Services (IASIS). IASIS is a non-profit organization that supports operators and agents optimize their insurance solutions for youth and educational travel.

"The thirst for adventure that is so characteristic for students, should not be thwarted by having no or the wrong insurance cover. That’s why IASIS cooperates with a number of different insurance providers in developing affordable and flexible insurance solutions for young people undertaking international travel be it for study work or travel", Dieter Raith the new Chairman of the IASIS board observed.

Partner for Europe
Dr. Walter is the new IASIS partner to strengthen the presence in Europe on a non-exclusive basis. IASIS recognizes that with increased diversity in the student community it is important to partner with regional and specialist insurance providers next to the global partners. The German based company is a leader in travel insurance solutions for the last 55 years, especially for the student market creating for example the first au pair policy.

Today Dr. Walter cooperates with more than 700 partners such as language schools, universities, volunteer and church-based organizations and develops worldwide insurance solutions, mostly for small and medium-sized organizations. Thanks to a number of easy-to-use online tools, they can provide travelers with insurance in the form of group contracts. The components of such contracts include international health, accident, liability, baggage, assistance and trip cancellation insurance.

"As an insurance broker, we can offer tailored products for clients who need more than your average run-of-the-mill product. The aim of our cooperation with IASIS is to offer insurance products and emergency services that meet the unique needs of youth and student travelers in Europe", said Dr. Walter’s Managing Director Reinhard Bellinghausen.

Insurance policies for operators and agents
IASIS’ approved insurers are renowned travel insurance experts such as MAPFRE, Alliance Global Assistance (Mondial), and HCC Medical Insurance Services, all committed to the area of international youth and educational travel. IASIS’ supports insurers to design policies that have been specially developed for youth and student travel specialists such as adventure tour operators, student travel agents, Work and Travel participants, language schools, au pair agencies, universities, school groups, sports tours and youth hostels.

International Association for Student Insurance Services (IASIS)
IASIS, as a worldwide non-profit association, aim is to support organizations in the youth, student and education travel sector to optimize their insurance offerings and services by providing benchmarking, education and introduction to approved insurers. The International Association of Student Insurance Services is a founding member and sector association of WYSE Travel Confederation IASIS’s ultimate purpose is to fulfil young peoples’ global travel ambitions by ensuring that next to safety and prevention they get the best possible risk protection to meet their travel, study and adventure needs. IASIS has for over sixty years, partnered with quality insurers to encourage and facilitate the development of flexible and affordable insurance solutions that meet the needs of travelling students and young people.
