Travel insurance industry meets in Neunkirchen-Seelscheid


On 5 June, insurance broker Dr. Walter GmbH celebrated its 50th anniversary with a festive event. More than 300 guests met at the company’s headquarters in Neunkirchen-Seelscheid to celebrate Germany’s travel insurance expert and its founder Dr. Siegfried Walter.

The event in Neunkirchen saw the who’s who of the travel insurance industry. Apart from numerous of Dr. Walter’s clients, representatives of all large travel insurance companies also took part in the celebration. Many of Dr. Walter’s partners as well as its competitors were invited to join the festivities. "I can’t remember to have ever seen so many travel insurance representatives in one single day", said Dirk Guß, chairman of Würzburger Versicherung. And so the guests discussed the latest travel insurance developments in a relaxed atmosphere. Their conversations dealt, among other things, with the effects of the financial crisis on customers’ booking behavior, new trends concerning short trips, long-term travel, educational travel for young people and longer stays abroad. These and other issues as well as the general perspective of the travel insurance industry were among the most-discussed topics during the festivities that lasted the entire day.

The company’s founder Dr. Siegfried Walter hit the nail on the head when describing the company’s success in his inaugural speech: "I always had a lucky hand when choosing my employees." The guests were able to witness themselves the good working atmosphere that made Dr. Walter so successful. HMK representative Robert Kremershof said: "Seeing the team of Dr. Walter here in their open and spacious headquarters, I finally understand why it is always such a pleasure to talk to these friendly and cheerful people on the phone."
Speeches, tours through the headquarters, an exhibition showing the history of Dr. Walter, exquisite food, a live band and a DJ were the ingredients for what Thomas Teuber (Head of Internet Bank International Department of Berlin-based DKB-Bank AG) called "the perfect mixture of business purposes and private fun."

The Dr. Walter GmbH is an insurance broker that specializes in travel insurance. With a present staff of 50 employees, the company is one of the largest providers in this sector. Its website is the largest German portal for travel insurance online. Reinhard Bellinghausen, Managing Director of Dr. Walter GmbH, thinks that the provision of insurance cover to employees abroad is a growth market. "There is still a lot to do for small and medium-sized enterprises in this area." Just in time for the company's anniversary, he presents, a new insurance solution to cover companies and employees abroad.
