The entry ban for au pairs is lifted

Au pairs may now enter Germany again


Many of those affected had waited a long time for this decision: The travel restrictions for the fight against the pandemic, which applied since March for au pairs from non-European foreign countries, were finally lifted. From now on, au pairs can apply for a visa for their stay in Germany again.

Tough struggle to get the entry ban lifted
Au pair associations, agencies and host parents had been trying for months to convince the German government and the EU Commission that au pairs do not pose a higher risk of infection than other groups of people. On the contrary: After entry, au pairs can, if necessary, be quarantined in their own room with the host family. Many parents who had considerable problems in the past months with the compatibility of work and childcare can now breathe a sigh of relief. Last year, a total of almost 15,000 foreign au pairs came to Germany. Correspondingly many German host parents had to cope without the support of an au pair because of Corona.
The Gütegemeinschaft Au pair has written dozens of letters of request to ministries and members of parliament to convince them of the necessity of the cultural exchange program au pair especially in these difficult times. It pointed out that travel restrictions were already lifted in the summer for students from third countries. Why the educational aspect was not taken into account for such a long time for au pairs, who deepen their general education and German language skills by experiencing the new culture, remained unclear until the end.

A lot of work for embassies, agencies and insurance companies
Last week, the Gütegemeinschaft Au pair was informed by the BMI (Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community) and the embassies about the lifting of the entry ban. It may still take a few days until the changeover. Au pairs who already had a visa appointment will now be contacted by the embassies. Applicants must fulfill a number of requirements for the au pair visa and prove that they have German language skills at the level of A1. Now they have to get an appointment at the embassy. The au pair agencies can resume their placement work. And DR-WALTER, the largest provider of au pair insurances in Germany, which has been actively involved in the au pair associations for many years, is also happy about the new start. In the coming weeks, the start date of many contracts will have to be adjusted to the new entry date.

Information from the Federal Police about the – new – possibility for au pairs from non-European countries to enter Germany (German language)
