Business survey 2011: Developments and trends in German au pair placement


Compared to previous years, young people from abroad are more interested again in becoming an au pair. According to most of the au pair agencies, there is also a higher demand for au pairs among German host parents. So far, the majority of au pairs came from Russia, Ukraine and Georgia. In 2009 there were also a large number of Kenyan au pairs who came to Germany, whereas their numbers dropped significantly in 2010. Young Germans, too, decided more often to become an au pair. Among their favorite European destinations was the United Kingdom.

These are some of the results from the recently published business survey on au pairs in Germany. For the fifth time since 2004, Dr. Walter GmbH collected data on au pair placement for this business survey. The travel insurance expert’s aim is to present reliable data on the issue, since the government provides no official numbers on au pairs in Germany, despite the rising popularity of this type of cultural exchange.

We asked more than 200 au pair agencies to go to our website and fill in a questionnaire about their financial situation and their au pair program in general. The collected and assessed results of this email survey are the basis of our survey. The business survey also includes further information on au pair placement issues such as service sites, associations, insurance policies and a leaflet from the Federal Employment Agency. Together, these data provide a comprehensive guide on au pair placement in Germany.

Konjunkturumfrage 2011: Entwicklungen und Trends im deutschen Au-pair-Wesen
(Business survey 2011: Developments and trends in German au pair placement)
Neunkirchen-Seelscheid: Calypso Verlag
Pages: 41; size: 30 x 21 cm
€ 9,90 (Germany)
ISBN 978-3-940291-042

You can order the business survey online at:
