Business Survey 2024: More And More Host Families Want An Au Pair But Can't Find One


The German government's changing visa policy makes it difficult for au pairs to come to Germany. In 2023, fewer au pairs received a visa than in the previous year. There were also more changes of host family. Many families want and need the support of an au pair and are disappointed. Because they cannot meet the demand, au pair agencies are going out of business - to the great disadvantage of the exchange program. The annual survey  provides the background.
More and more new countries of origin

In 2023, around 13,500 foreign au pairs traveled to Germany - slightly fewer than in the previous year. The three most important countries of origin are currently Madagascar, Colombia and Indonesia. India stands out in fourth place: over 500 au pair visas were issued from the most populous country in 2023 and the boom continues. Only a few au pairs came from countries we already know well, such as Nepal, Tajikistan, Zimbabwe, Togo, Cameroon and Morocco, because they unfortunately did not receive a visa.
Au pairs change host families more frequently

The shortage of staff and skilled workers in Germany has changed the expectations and demands of au pairs. In addition, the large selection of host families means that au pairs are adapting their stay more frequently. They are guided by the prospects of completing an apprenticeship or FSJ and are sometimes even headhunted. Many hope for better conditions in a new host family in a different location and are more willing to terminate their contract and switch to supposedly more ideal conditions without the support of a full-service agency.
Fewer German au pairs abroad
The outgoing sector is also struggling with difficulties. The number of German au pairs in the USA has been declining for years. Fewer and fewer are going to America for 12 months as au pairs. They also want to take advantage of other offers, such as work and travel, internships and various jobs. The trend is towards shorter stays, which does not suit the au pair program. In addition, young Germans miss the UK as an au pair destination.

Comprehensive data source
The business survey “Au pairs in Germany and worldwide” provides current facts and figures on the topic of au pairing every year. It is published for the 18th time and is based on a representative survey of 59 au pair agencies and interviews with people from the au pair industry. The study is published by DR-WALTER Auslandsversicherungen and is published by Calypso Verlag.    
For a free download of the full survey conducted by DR-WALTER, go to this link.
(German language only)
