Coronavirus - Where do I find the important information and when does my insurance cover?


Travel warnings are issued for popular holiday destinations, numerous flights are canceled and entire cities are closed. With the increase in coronavirus infections in Europe, the epidemic has taken on a new significance. But which statements are to be believed, what are the right measures to take and can one still start the planned holiday trip?

The Robert Koch Institute provides you with important information about the current coronavirus development.

Generally speaking, you can protect yourself with quite simple means: Coughing or sneezing into the crook of your arm, regular and extensive hand washing with soap and keeping a distance to others (about one to two meters). You can also inform yourself about general precautions on this website. (German language)

Those who fall ill nevertheless should not panic. For most people, the infection is relatively harmless - or even asymptomatic. However, many more questions may arise individually. The Robert Koch Institute offers answers to many of them. (German language)

If you are currently planning a trip or are travelling and have questions about the benefits of your DR-WALTER insurance, you will find the right answers in the FAQ sections of our product pages:

