Au pairs in Germany and worldwide

Current au pair survey: Before Corona, German host families still had good chances of finding an au pair


Almost 15,000 au pairs came to Germany in 2019 - again more than in the previous year. The demand for au pairs abroad could not be satisfied last year. Especially British host families waited in vain for German applicants. Even before the worldwide lockdown, there were signs that the agencies in Germany were dying. In the survey study "Au-pairs in Deutschland und weltweit" (Au pairs in Germany and worldwide) the au pair insurer DR-WALTER presents current data and information about au pairs and host families.

Changing countries of origin
Most of the au pairs in Germany came from Colombia, Georgia and Ukraine, just like in the previous year. In 2019, Russia, Tanzania, Indonesia, Mexico, Brazil, Tajikistan and Zimbabwe ranked 4th to 10th. The changing visa policy of the German government makes the work of German au pair agencies more difficult, because they always have to build up new partner agencies abroad, through which they can find local applicants. Even before Corona, the application for an au pair visa was a lengthy procedure which took between 12 and 16 weeks depending on the country. About 7,900 au pairs received a visa for Germany in 2019. About 7,000 au pairs from the EU did not need a visa.

Further agency closures expected
While there were 160 agencies in Germany at the beginning of 2019, which placed young au pairs between 18 and 30 years of age, one year later there were only about 150. 2021 is expected to see an even greater agency death due to the corona crisis. If au pairs are not looked after by an agency but come to Germany on their own initiative, they will quickly come under pressure if they have problems with their host family. They must not lose their au pair status and turn to several agencies - often in parallel - to be placed in a new family. The reason for the conflicts is in most cases too long working hours.

Target countries of German au pairs in change
USA as the former au pair country number one is losing its attractiveness for young Germans. Like all foreign workers, au pairs are victims of the anti-immigration policy of US President Donald Trump. In Great Britain it is the Brexit that has spoiled the desire of many young Germans to come to the island, which is deeply regretted by British families.

All over the world more host families than au pairs
The demand for au pairs is huge worldwide. There are more than enough host families everywhere. But the au pairs are missing. Au pair is in strong competition with volunteer work and work and travel, even though these programs are much more expensive. The Corona crisis, the end of which is not yet in sight, has hit the international student and youth exchange and thus also the au pair program hard. Families would have needed an au pair more urgently than ever because of the school and kindergarten closures. Due to the entry restrictions, however, au pair placements are hardly possible even today.

Comprehensive data source
The economic survey "Au-pairs in Deutschland und weltweit" (Au pairs in Germany and worldwide) provides current facts and figures about the au pair business every year. It is based on a representative survey of 59 au pair agencies and discussions with au pair experts. The study is edited by DR-WALTER Auslandsversicherungen and published by Calypso Verlag.

The complete survey as PDF (German language)

Infographic (German language)
