Dr. Walter GmbH: Extended Service Hours


The Customer Service Department of Dr. Walter GmbH has extended its telephone service to 63 hours per week. As of 1 July 2011, customers can call the insurance broker for two additional hours during the week – so the new service hours are 8am to 8pm. We have employed new staff to make sure that all your calls are dealt with immediately.

"Despite being able to contact us via email and to purchase insurance online, our customers really appreciate the opportunity to be consulted by telephone", knows Petra Dienst, Head of Customer Service with Dr. Walter. "Since, for example, it is necessary for the issue of visas to provide proof of international health insurance, insurance brokers like us need to be able to react quickly and provide the best possible customer service. Our extended service hours are another step to do exactly that."

Service hours as of 1 July 2011:
Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 12pm
