Extraordinary right to change au pair insurance in December and January


Since early December, Dr. Walter GmbH has received many calls from worried host parents who are not satisfied with their insurance company and now want to purchase insurance cover with Dr. Walter who therefore had to find a solution for these customers. As a result, Dr. Walter offers them an extraordinary right to change their insurance company in December and January: foreign au pairs in Germany as well as German au pairs abroad can get new insurance, irrespective of their arrival or departure date.

Please note: It is not advisable to change the insurance company if the au pair at present undergoes medical treatment since further treatment of a present illness will not be covered by a new insurance policy.

The products AU-PAIR24, AU-PAIR-PLUS and PROTRIP have been popular with au pairs and host parents alike for many years now since they provide comprehensive, high-quality insurance cover. Dr. Walter GmbH provides excellent service as well as quick and professional contract management and settlement of claims.

Comprehensive protection for au pairs in Germany

Comprehensive protection for au pairs in Austria

Comprehensive protection for German au pairs abroad

Dr. Walter GmbH is Germany’s leading expert in insuring au pairs. In 2009, the insurance broker celebrates its 50th anniversary and has 47 years of experience with regard to au pair insurance products. Dr. Walter is involved in both national and international au pair associations and is a member of Au-pair Society, RAL and IAPA.
