The Business Survey ‒ Au pairs in Germany and Worldwide is one of the few sources for au pair statistics in Germany.
More au pairs than ever before – 11,000 young people as au pairs in Germany
Foreign au pairs show greater interest in Germany again. Around 6,000 young people came to Germany from the countries of the EU alone, most of them from Spain and Italy. But last year also saw the first increase in the number of au pairs from non-EU countries since 2005: almost 5,000 young people received a visa for Germany. Most of them came from Ukraine and Georgia, followed by Nepal which ranked among the top three countries for the first time. The number of Russian au pairs, however, has decreased. These are the main findings of the "Business Survey 2015 - Au pairs in Germany and Worldwide". The survey was carried out for the ninth time by insurance provider Dr. Walter.
Only a few agencies benefit
Despite the increase in the total number of au pairs, many agencies sent fewer young people than before. Only a few agencies benefit from the rising demand in au pairs and German host families. On the one hand, there are the matching agencies, whose online portals have always been strongly frequented. And the other parties benefitting are professional full service agencies as well as large providers of youth and education programs. The reason for their success lies in the fact that they can offer a wide range of tasks or provide additional services.
Competing with other programs
When it comes to outgoing services, au pair programs have to compete with various other opportunities to spend a year abroad, with volunteer programs, work & travel and internships abroad being the most popular ones. In recent years, young Germans, however, have become somewhat less interested in working as an au pair. As a more traditional form of cultural exchange, au pair programs continue in their struggle to compete with new and appealing alternatives that promise adventure or the opportunity to make the world a better place.
The "Business Survey 2015 ‒ Au pairs in Germany and Worldwide" is one of the few sources for au pair statistics in Germany. For a free download of the full survey conducted by Dr. Walter, go to