Verena Breuning-Wendlandt heads the new DR-WALTER Academy

New DR-WALTER Academy guarantees qualification and further training for employees


The new DR-WALTER Academy ensures the continuous training of our own employees. We have recruited Verena Breuning-Wendlandt, an experienced trainer from the insurance industry, to manage the academy, which will also offer external training courses in the long term.

Lifelong learning
In addition to already qualified applicants, DR-WALTER has always had good experiences with students, trainees and career changers who are willing to learn. Those who did not yet have an insurance-specific qualification were able to qualify as "Certified Specialist for Insurance Brokerage IHK" as part of an internal further training course. Training measures for DR-WALTER employees are very important to the company. In addition to industry-specific knowledge of topics such as international private medical insurance, statutory health insurance and visa regulations, as a digital insurance broker and insurtech we require a great deal of technical expertise.
"As we operate in special market niche and have high standards in terms of consulting quality and expertise, we prefer to provide training ourselves. Thanks to our many years in the industry, we have special expert knowledge that we definitely want to pass on and deepen," says Reinhard Bellinghausen.

Education and training manager
Bundling the development of training programs for basic and advanced training in the form of an academy is a long-held wish of the management. A proven expert has now been found in Verena Breuning-Wendlandt (47). She has a degree in insurance and business administration and has been a qualified trainer for over 20 years. Since then, she has trained, supervised and tested the teams of various insurers, most recently as a sales trainer at Provinzial Versicherung AG. Breuning-Wendlandt has been familiar with the topic of private health insurance for 30 years and, with her background, is able to organize and train the complex specialist area of travel insurance, international private medical insurance and supplementary products and services at the DR-WALTER Academy. "I am looking forward to my big task in this ambitious company. The more than 150 employees at DR-WALTER expect to be kept up to date and are very interested in training and career prospects."

