Sustainability as a philosophy


For more than 55 years, we at Dr. Walter have gone our own way. For us, sustainability means acting with foresight and responsibility in everything we do on a day-to-day basis. We want to run our business in a sustainable manner, thereby showing respect and support for our environment and everyone in it. The term 'sustainability' was first coined by Hans Carl von Carlowitz more than 300 years ago. His idea was originally used in the context of forestry and has since become the concept of modern sustainability: "Not taking more than can grow back".

Economic, environmental and social
As a sound, medium-sized company, we strive for growth and good profits. That’s why we focus on economically responsible management. A company can only be sustainable if it is successful in the long term. As an insurer, we have always placed great value in the sustainable cooperation between shareholders, management, employees and customers. In addition, we are active in various associations such as the Au Pair Society, the Gütegemeinschaft Au pair and DIA Deutsche im Ausland. We support national aid organizations but also associations and social institutions at the local level. This is something that we regard as also being part of social sustainability. Sustainability for us also means respect for Mother Nature. Here at Dr. Walter, we want to play our part in protecting the environment and the climate and to reduce our ecological footprint. That’s why we use green electricity and recycled paper. We compensate for the unavoidable emission of greenhouse gases by providing financial support to climate protection projects.

Sustainability as a guiding principle in our daily life and work
New challenges require that we regularly adapt the way we think and act. We do our best on a daily basis to keep our solutions sustainable and to harmonize their economic, ecological and social aspects.

Detailed information about sustainability at Dr. Walter
