Travel insurance expert advises motorcyclists to wear helmets during the holiday


In the light of recent events, travel insurance expert Dr. Walter provides the following advice: when you rent a motorcycle or moped during your holiday, make sure to wear a helmet!

With regard to their health, travelers should always make sure to wear a helmet, even if it is not mandatory. In many countries such as Thailand and in some US states, there are no mandatory helmet laws.

"In recent years, we saw a steep increase in serious injuries and deaths among travelers, caused by a lack of protective clothing", said Angelika Kolmer, a member of the claims department at Dr. Walter.

"Safety first!" – a motto that motorcyclists should always take to heart. Not least in countries where locals rarely seem to abide by the law to wear a helmet. Unfortunately, the police tend to turn a blind eye on the issue of helmet use in many countries. This encourages in particular young travelers in southern regions to be careless. A behavior, for which they might pay a high price. Usually, they don’t think about dangers such as slipping on gravel even at low speed. Although such accidents can lead to serious head injuries. It is a well-known fact that a helmet helps to prevent injuries from falls and collisions.

In case of a serious accident, it pays off to have a travel insurance policy that also covers the return transport (evacuation). This way, the insured can at least rely on better medical care at home in Germany.

For globetrotters who stay abroad for up to two years, Dr. Walter has developed the insurance policy PROTRIP. The policy includes Health Insurance, Evacuation Insurance, Accident Insurance, Personal Liability Insurance and Baggage Insurance. If you are traveling for up to six weeks and only looking for health insurance, you will find the right products at
