Stop the war!

War in Ukraine - Statement and possibilities of help


We have a clear attitude to the war in Ukraine: we condemn the war of aggression and clearly oppose the Russian aggressor. The Ukrainian people are suffering and we sincerely hope that this terrible and inhumane situation will change as soon as possible. In addition to our solidarity for the Ukrainian people, it is important for us to make it clear that for us all people continue to be equal. Neither origin, nationality nor language play a role here. We will continue to be there for all our customers and support them in the best possible way.

Where you can help Ukraine

As a company, we have decided to support the Ukrainian people indirectly by donating to aid organizations. If you would like to do the same, you will certainly find the right aid offer at the following links:

Aktion Deutschland Hilft e. V.

UNO Flüchtlingshilfe

Jugend Eine Welt

Diakonie Deutschland

Ärzte ohne Grenzen e. V. - Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)


AWO international

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz

Hanseatic Help


Regionally, there are also many offers of help. Especially for people who have already had to flee Ukraine and are looking for accommodation:

Warmes Bett

#Unterkunft Ukraine

Ärzte für Ukraine

(Platform in Ukrainian, free medical care for Ukrainian refugees).

Currently, not only money and goods of daily use are needed there, but also simple humanity: an invitation to dinner, help with learning German, a walk through the neighborhood or even a bicycle to explore the surroundings independently.

For those who don't want to or can't donate money, this page gives examples of six things you can do to help otherwise.

Psychological support

As the situation depresses and burdens us all, there are telephone support services for everyone:

Free phone numbers of the Deutsche Telefonseelsorge:
0800 / 111 0 111
0800 / 111 0 222

Chat offer:

Crisis Support Line as Telephone counselling service and Krisenhilfe-Hotline der Allianz Care for anyone needing emotional support in connection with the events in Ukraine

Mutruf - For the prevention of panic attacks 04191 2749280

Stop the war!
