Nowadays successful tertiary education for many students also means staying abroad, for example in the form of an internship in a foreign country, a semester overseas or long-term studies at a university abroad.
Universities offer scholarship holders, students, doctoral students and visiting lecturers numerous exchange opportunities to spend part of their studies or their research and lectureship post at a European or non-European university. EU education programs provide targeted international mobility within the ‘Lifelong Learning Program LLP’ of programs such as Erasmus/Erasmus Mundus or through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
To provide protection for students and lecturers during their stays abroad, DR-WALTER has developed framework agreements together with universities as well as individual insurance rates for students. This enables us to provide targeted insurance cover for the following areas:
- Foreign Health Insurance
- Personal Liability Insurance and Intern Liability Insurance
- Accident Insurance
- Transport and Baggage Insurance
- Travel Cancellation InsuranceAuslandskrankenversicherung
You are a university and not working with us yet? You are still looking for the right insurance solution for your forthcoming studies abroad?
Our team will be glad to assist you and provide you with an individual offer.