Information portal on health insurance for foreign students in Germany

Students who come to Germany from other European and non-European countries to study here need different insurance cover depending on the phase of their stay. But which one? We answer these and all other questions on, our webportal for foreign students in Germany. Our consulting tool will help you to find the right insurance cover and take out cover conveniently online. But GERMAN STUDENT INSURANCE offers even more:

  • You can take out Techniker Krankenkasse student insurance immediately, without a German residence or a German bank account.
  • Immediately after taking out the policy, you will receive confirmation of insurance for submission to visa authorities and universities.
  • The insurance cover is guaranteed to be recognized by all authorities and universities.
  • You do not have to pay in advance. Payment is due after entering Germany.
  • If you arrive before the start of your studies, you are covered by DR-WALTER Free Travel health insurance free of charge (up to 90 days after arrival).
  • We offer multilingual consultation, including Chinese.
  • Thanks to our Consulting Tool, you don't need to be an insurance expert to take out the right insurance. After a few simple questions, our tool will tell you which health insurance you need!